Cheerful Sam | Grepha
Half-Dragon Warlock/Bard | Imp Warlock
AC: 11 HP: 36/55 | AC: 16 HP: 16/26
PP: 10|13 PIv: 15|12 PIs: 11|13
Bless (Senna), Concentrating (Create Bonfire) | Raven Form, Mage Armor

The Sewers

Wrapped up in the slimy tentacle, Sam can feel it squeezing him like a giant snake. Not confident in his ability to break free, he instead flicks his hands to conjure a flame beneath the creature and hurls a psychic assault into its mind. The burning at his feet is immediately recognizable when he feels the bruises begin to heat up and the straining bones refill with vigor.

Soaring over the monster, Grepha descends on the other side to fight alongside Caelyn's tree-spirit and snap her green-flamed beak. With a better look deeper into the den, she assesses where the leader may try to flee to.

Spoiler: Actions
Create Bonfire under the Otyugh's upper two spaces.
(1d20)[7] DC 14 Dex or take (2d8)[10] fire damage, and again if Sam manages to maintain Concentration on it by the end of stinky's turn
Bonus action for his last 2nd level slot to Mind Thrust the Otyugh
(1d20)[5] DC 14 Int for half or take (3d6)[16] psychic damage, and stagger

Move over Otyugh without leaving its reach to avoid AoO, fly in the opening between rooms above Bokono
Green Flame Peck on the wererat archer
(1d20+5)[13] to hit
(1d4+3)[7] damage, plus (1d8)[6] fire and (3d6)[14] poison with (1d20)[11] DC 11 Con for half