"Oh, I'm sorry. I am Brucian, the local shaman and man of faith"

Brucian looked among you with a discerning eye.

"Are any of you injured from your journey? I could heal and bless you to the best of my ability."

Brucian looks to Luc.

"He is a lost one, his mind is gone. I don't wish him to wander the town and someone to hurt him out of malice, so I've brought him here, he knows to stay up and safe, and to drop the ladder when someone is below but not much else. That damn poem is about the only other thing he knows, spouts it day and night."

Brucian mimes

"The on descend shall evil of night the land,
at near signs of hexad this when hand."

He sighs

"I dont know where he heard it, it makes no sense to me at all."