
"Do we have any idea why they kidnapped this particular troll? Do we think his prophetic powers known to them, and if so, what are they looking to do with him? If not, why kidnap him in the first place?" Sisir rattles off a series of questions after Iluvar finishes speaking. "How long will it take us to walk there, and should we expect resistance when we arrive?" Having asked these final questions, he thinks for a moment before saying "well, as we will be working together, it is only proper that I offer you a measure of protection. If you would take my hand for a moment, I would gladly offer you a boon. Akif, the usual for you."

Spoiler: Tricks
If the other members of the party take Sisir up on his offer, he will impart the following tricks on them: Scribe - Compel Alacrity, Myki - Mask Misery, Iluvar - Mask Misery, Akif - Mesmeric Mirror and Compel Alacrity. He will implant Mask Misery in himself, for a total of 6 tricks implanted if everyone accepts. Each implantation is a standard action.