Moving in to fill the gap left by the now-dispelled plants, both Grok and Sam rush to the front, Sam's breath burns away one of their targets, while Grok's wicked-fast glaive cleaves through another one and continues on to skewer a number of the tiny rats. The psychic assault, sudden though it was, is barely pushed back upon, and Sam feels that it doesn't take root. Despite losing more than half their people, the rats seem determined to fight to the bitter end - perhaps because their only visible exit is now blocked by the otyugh, who has moved away from its position as pincushion for Leaf to the den itself, to devour the freshly barbecued rat. The pair of archers fire past it at Grepha, but the tiny imp evades the bolts.

The fight is yet to be completely won though. On silent footsteps another enemy approaches, appearing from invisibility with a hissing roar as a new wererat - larger than the others and wearing a skull for a helmet - swings down at Grok with a wicked silver-edged sword. The dwarf deflects the blow though, sending both the swings careening into the tunnel walls. Clad in chainmail and with a row of potions at its belt, it seems clear this one is a cut above the ones you've already slain.

Spoiler: Map

As mentioned, Grok kills a wererat and hits the Swarm
Sam burns away the far wererat, even with a failed save, but the swarm remains, albeit now below half its numbers.

The Otyugh moves away and enters a tunnel into the wererat den, feasting on the freshly-burned corpse.
The new wererat leader appears from invisibility and misses Grok, twice.
The pair of remaining archer-rats shoot at Grepha, and narrowly miss her as well.

Caelyn, Leaf, Grepha, and Anri are up.

Initiative Order:-
Sam: (1d20+5)[21]


Caeyln: (1d20)[12]
Leaf: (1d20)[10]

DR: (1d20)[10]

Grepha: (1d20+5)[6]
Anri: (1d20+1)[6]

RS: (1d20)[5]

Senna: (1d20)[4]
Grok: (1d20)[2]