Happy to hear you're feeling better, RossN.

In regards to the current situation, if we're not going to try something why are we even here? For all we know, one of the prisoners might be Wadim and even if not, they probably have information we don't. Is there anything we gain by sitting a bit longer and doing nothing or do we just avoid the risk involved in making an attempt?

Quote Originally Posted by rax View Post
If that happens I think it's imperative to have as many of us shooting at him as possible. Bardhyl and his men all have bows and Ludo's got his gun, so that's at least five people shooting at the chieftain, probably with Aim action bonuses as well.
They're not going to scatter from a few arrows. They outnumber us 10 to 1. Trying to win in a straight fight is not going to happen, which is why I say distraction to empty the camp and stealth. For that, I don't think it's strictly necessary to kill the chieftain (just piss him off) and even if it is, it doesn't take five PCs and a handful of NPCs worth of shots to kill a goblin. Two solid hits, three to be safe would be enough. We're got a good height advantage and if we do it right, most likely the benefit of aiming and a surprise round.

Quote Originally Posted by -Sentinel- View Post
None of Elsa's spells will trigger a wild stampede of goblins tripping over one another to go see what's causing the pretty lights and weird sounds, conveniently clearing us a path to the prisoners. Hell, even Universal Confusion, a spell from the Lore of Shadows with a casting number of 27, wouldn't cause nearly the amount of chaos that TheSummoner and RossN seem to think Elsa can do.
A mind game alone wouldn't. Being under direct attack with the mind game making the threat seem bigger than it really is could work. They're not going to sit around and do nothing if one of us puts an arrow/bolt/bullet between their chieftain's eyes. They're going to realize they're going to attack and then it's fight or flight. I doubt it's flight, but if so... Well, we win. If it's fight, then we spend a couple of rounds taking pot shots while they try to regain order and move out to engage and then leg it before they can actually get to us.