Quote Originally Posted by Thundercracker View Post
Alright, we have three Force users, none of whom are currently Jedi, and a droid. Order 66 is going to be an interesting day.

The first mission will be to (re)familiarize with the system and get to know your characters etc.

Brief brainstorm on the opening status:
Right now, I am thinking an unorthodox Jedi wants to put together a team of non-Jedi Force Sensitive individuals and develop them into an elite unit. Convenient, because it's necessary to get the game rolling. I'm happy to handwave the recruitment reasons etc (i.e. all players are going to be joining the war effort, because that's the premise of the game. No going off and searching for your lost family members or running spice for the Pyke Syndicate (at least not at first), unless that's your mission, but if anyone needs an actual reason for their characters to join the Grand Army of the Republic, let me know and we will work it out in the OOC thread before the game starts.
Is the abundance of force users a problem for the premise you had in mind? I was torn between Ilyene and something more of an operative, this was the concept I liked the most but if you want I can probably motivate myself and change up. I also noticed in the top that Ilyene was listed as a nightsister adept, but I think that was Cora's concept.

The opening premise sounds good to me. Ilyene is motivated by vengeance, and would join such an effort.

We do lack normal means (please correct me!) as neither Cora nor Coralej are (yet) proficient with their blasters and Ilyene and Ax lack ranged weaponry. This would likely be amplified by characters winding up in melee, so being accepted as being a group of force-sensitives might help us bring Coralej's impressive force suite to the front.
As a sidenote - Samduke, it might be worth to pick up light armor proficiency for the stealth suit as the penalties for lacking armor proficiency is pretty harsh in Saga, removing any equipment bonus and instead imposing minuses (on top of replacing level defense without talent).

If Ax could have a vocabulator, it would really help with player interaction! Perhaps it could be imagined so it's still blips and blops, but just understandable to the language the droid speaks?