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Thread: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown OOC XV

  1. - Top - End - #180
    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown OOC XV

    As I see it...

    If we try to negotiate, we need something that would keep them from immediately trying to tie us to the wyvern effigy with the others. Without that, we're in a fight regardless and it's starting on less favorable terms. That's not to say that diplomacy couldn't work, only that it needs some sort of leverage and no one has proposed any.

    If we all just move up the the ledge and start shooting right now, we're not going to free the prisoners. The goblins aren't going to all scatter. Some of them will fire back on us with their bows and be unlikely to do much due to how elevated we are, but others will start swarming out. We'll have some time where we can attack and they can basically do nothing, but the clock will be ticking and the moment they can bring their numbers against us, we lose. We have to run before that happens. Maybe we can kill their leader before he knows he's under attack. Maybe we can thin their numbers. Neither saves the prisoners and neither prevents us from having to retreat.

    If we attack, then we have to make it count and that's where I was going with the IC comment about drawing them away. Ludo and Bardhyl are both pretty good at keeping themselves hidden. Instead of everyone blasting, the two of them get closer and find a good place to hide. Let Sieghard, Elsa, and Jarla be the distraction for them. Some of the goblins we can pick off, some will make for the caves and cover, and others will come after us. We keep the pressure on them for a bit and then we leg it. While that's going on, Ludo and Bardhyl would have a hopefully empty, or at least much depleted goblin camp to worry about and can try to free the prisoners. It's not perfect by any means, but it'd be better than just going Rambo on them.

    Edit: Looked over the character sheets. Jarla has Silent Move as well.
    Last edited by TheSummoner; 2023-02-20 at 03:43 AM.