We have a lead,” Anna said to Antoine, it bears further investigation.

“It is likely this attack was made to try and increase conflict between your two covenants,” she continued, “please convey this information to your Sire when convenient; premature retaliatory strikes may play into the hands of whoever had the fire set.”
"I see," Antoine says flatly to Anna, giving Karl one last glare, "I will discuss this with my Sire. I assure you three that we will not do anything too... quick tempered." He pauses for a moment before adding, "However, I am sure that if The Prince does not provide swift justice, then my Sire and his flock, however meager, will be less than happy. Then, I can make no promises."

When it is clear the Hounds are ready to leave, Antonio will accompany them to the door, closing it behind them. Outside, the air is cold and wet after the rain, and the stench of ozone and city clings to everything. Once they are away from the building, Karl will reply to Anna, "I am not opposed to getting it all done now, but playing devil's advocate, we can always go do some recon, figure out who they are , and bring that info to Tony and the Prince."