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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    At the Castle Gate

    As those capable of flying (and one which is quite carryable) fly off towards the caste, Felicity, with Bil aboard, rushes towards the broken remains of the draw bridge. With several accurate leaps and a burst of athleticism and strength that leaves some soldiers dumbstruck, she jumps from a timber to some broken stones and across the gap with a combination of magical aid and well trained aptitude. Once she is clear she finds herself running through the palace foyer. A few guards remain behind, but most are sprinting towards the heart of the palace with reckless regard. One nearly crashes into Felicity's rearquarters before backing away, recognizing her. "Lady Knight!" The plain faced but recognizable man turned to the harengon cleric and said "Master Cleric! Please come with us. A terrible monster holds the stair and none dare face it!"

    Led forward, Felicity enters the area ahead of her guide, revealing the sprawling heart of the castle. No less than eight exits lead to the various areas of the castle, but most are underground and all are well labeled. Those of most interest to our heroes are the broken Apex Chamber, where the wedding would take place and the place where the castle tower collapsed, as well as the two leadings to the personal chambers of Doredan's family (including his brother, wed to be) and the Everarbor Queen's chambers with her contingent (including the bride to be). However, all around the hall is the massive, fleshy body of some sort of creature with waving tentacular arms and large, alien eyes, and obvious hostile intent. Around the chamber are several broken bodies wearing the uniform of the royal guard, their armor bloody. Several guards are arrayed around it, hedging the creature in with pikes, but hesitant to go forward against this staggeringly large and well muscled beast.

    Spoiler: Perception DC 14 (Active Check, No Passive)
    You recognize the guard who led you here. Name is... Angus, you think. You recognize many of the troops in the hall. But you don't recognize any of the dead or wounded soldiers in the room.
    Spoiler: DC 17
    One of the soldiers with a pike dances his weapon forward, and the tip goes through the monster's tentacle as though it wasn't actually there, but no one around you notices.
    Spoiler: DC 20
    The blood from the wounded soldiers doesn't flow or drip. Just static puddles, not moving or shaking.

    The Bride's Chambers

    Hylusi comes down in a small open air garden right before the Everarbor procession's chambers. Riding her staff like the archetyple witches' broom, she lowers herself into into the main entrance and flies inside. There are courtiers, attendants, human servants, and political aspirants, but the ceilings are high and Hylusi can easily fly over the hubub. If inquired, the human's give nothing of use, only running to their assigned tasks and struggling to find guards. The first elf she meets, and cousin of the royal family come to attend the wedding, they are more useful. "The Princess is missing," Aluminzel, a lower cousin on the tree, sips calmly at wine before screwing up his face and spitting the human vintage out. "But there's no way she's in danger. She's the most powerful amongst us. Cuz will resolve this... indecency." A human might think him detached and calm, but the Magus can tell he is just soundly drunk. He tosses the glass aside into the chaos of the hall.

    Spoiler: Insight DC 14
    All the elves are acting strangely. Passive. Lethargic. And all the humans are anxious, hurried, but quiet.

    Spoiler: Nature DC 18
    There is a mushroom native to Everarbor that elves and humans have very different reactions to when it is burned. Elves are intoxicated much like alcohol, but humans have an almost manic reaction that leaves them somewhat stunned and silent. But both have a hellacious hangover coming their way in a few hours that is potent enough that abuse of the intoxicant is rare. And the spores are thick in the air.

    If you proceed towards the Princess's chambers I will need a DC 13 Constitution Save

    Apex Chapel, With Doredan and Kunnian

    The top of the castle, seated at the apex of the small, stunted mountain that makes up the heart of the Kingdom. In lessons taught by his father and every father before them who ruled Wissimvale, Doredan has been told throughout his entire life that one day each member of his family would climb the stairs to the Apex Chapel and receive a partner, and together they would bring honor to the family name, influence to their cause, and secular power. While only Monsinar would inherit the throne, the younger princes were still expected to marry well. Doredan had been brought here for religious services to the mountain gods and his ancestors since he was old enough to cry. It was so odd to see it with the roof smashed off, open to the air and the elements. But this is what he saw as he approached on fey wings with a gnome in tow. But it is what he sees happening that demands his attention.

    Monsinar is being dragged by three hooded figures towards a large bag, carried along like cargo. His jaw is slack, and it looks like he sleeps the rest of the well drugged, with eyes rolling and snores emanating. Their clothes are strange and armored, like harnesses and leather jackets stiffened with cloth and small plates. Their hoods cover most of their features, but they wear thick masks with dark goggles, carry blades, and seem intent on bagging Monsinar and carrying him off. His father lay unconscious on the ground, also in a state of stupor.

    The armed figures turn to Doredan, and the tallest of the group motions to their companions, which continue their attempt to package the prince. The tall figure steps forward, draws a curved saber, and gestures for the prince and the gnome to come down with their free hand. They seem confident and armed, but not overtly hostile. Carrying several daggers on their hips, but they haven't thrown one. They seem intent on talking things out.

    Spoiler: DC 16 Insight
    Tall one is buying time for their companions to wrap up the prince and escape with him through some unknown means. The kidnappers are moving quickly, and if you mean to rush to the Prince's side you will have to come into the reach of the taller figure. But they show no evidence of rushing to violence.
    Last edited by purepolarpanzer; 2023-02-15 at 10:43 PM.
    The Bear is Back.