Prince Doredan
Human Martial Bard 5
AC: 14 HP: 25/33 +11
PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
Conditions: Fly (Kunnian Concentration)
Standing Reaction: Dodge Roll if critically hit (1/encounter)

"Doredan Reydalise," the prince introduces himself, not remembering in the head of the chaos whether he had already. "And pleasantries can wait until later!" Not quite confident in his ability to carry Kunnian with one arm, and with the wings in the way of a piggyback ride, Doredan sweeps her up into both arms. "Apologies, but this seems the least likely to drop you."

Kicking off of the ground, he starts flying up to the towers and fallen parts of the castle, leaving a trail of sparkling fey magic.