Prince Doredan
Human Martial Bard 5
AC: 14 HP: 25/33 +11
PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
Conditions: Fly (Kunnian Concentration)
Standing Reaction: Dodge Roll if critically hit (1/encounter)

After the harengon's intervention, the Prince feels much better, the scrapes and bruises from his fall and the falling debris mending themselves. A shimmering barrier of half-light surrounds him, pairing with the wings to give him an appearance as fey as many of his new allies.

Descending to the ruined drawbridge, he lands to assess the situation. "Of course, Captain," Doredan agrees, taking an end of the rope. He glances at Hylusi, who had also taken to the air, as he glides across to find something to affix the rope to. "Magus, the two of us could fly ahead. Perhaps I could even carry our gnomish friend with me - apologies miss, I think I forgot to ask your name in the chaos!"

Once the safety rope is secured, Doredan flies back over to convene with the others. "What say you?"