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Thread: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    The Scribe nods and remarks, "We're also severely short on manpower. Well, we're here at the Sorry Excuse."

    He looks (up) at Vargun, "Thanks, we lost a lot of people today, and it's been traumatic, but we'll start tomorrow. Thanks."

    And with that, the two of you let Vargun finish her meal in peace.

    As he gets a table for the two of you to sit down as Gav flits about he says, "Did I hear ya' say you're looking for more hands for this job? It just so happens two cutters strolled into the City but yesterday. Siblings. Big Folk. Rumor has it they came to the Gap even bigger than we see 'em now, standing a couple mes high, but I think people just have too much time on their hands. They're big though. They actually make me think of you, guv."

    That last comment seemed pointed at Iluvar.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2023-02-11 at 08:07 AM.
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