Grepha appears from nowhere to peck down at the injured wererat, but it must have smelled her coming since it nimbly dodges back from the bird, hissing in irritation at it. There's a sound of many many tiny feet moving beyond sight, but nothing new appears before you, nor does anything run in for Anri's axe to chop.

Spoiler: Map

Grepha misses, and becomes visible in the process.
Anri doesn't move.

You hear scurrying beyond your sight but of what, who can say?

Grok, Senna, and Sam are up.

Initiative Order:-
Sam: (1d20+5)[21]


Caeyln: (1d20)[12]
Leaf: (1d20)[10]

DR: (1d20)[10]

Grepha: (1d20+5)[6]
Anri: (1d20+1)[6]

RS: (1d20)[5]

Senna: (1d20)[4]
Grok: (1d20)[2]