As soon as it looks like Aasgar is heading in, Galakhar taps and gestures for himself and Gharmez to head to the others, and everyone only moves a few feet before a porcine shout of rage is heard!

Begin Roud One ...

Galakhar hustles towards the platform.

R1T18: Abenor moves right past Aasgar to go inside before he teleports out of view. There is an anguished cry of pain from a bestial voice inside.

R1T15-14: Sounds of battle from within ... and definitely a sound of pain from Abenor! Followed by an indescribable, closed-mouth gurgle or some wounded mouth noise where the body can't even find the air or power to scream out.

R1T11: Cici does an accelerated climb for the remainder and heads past Aasgar inside the cabin. "Aasgar," she practically screams more than reports, "Abenor is almost disemboweled!!"

The sound of Cici casting is heard from within.

R1T9: Gharmez, your loaded crossbow is in hand, and it looks like the battle won't be coming outside after all. If Cici had just shouted a normal report, you might have not understood from where you are, but she screamed it more in desperation, so you know a friend is in peril. What do you do?