Cheerful Sam | Grepha
Half-Dragon Warlock/Bard | Imp Warlock
AC: 11 HP: 55/55 | AC: 16 HP: 26/26
PP: 10|13 PIv: 15|12 PIs: 11|13
--- | Raven Form, Mage Armor, Invisible

The Sewers

Sam prestidigitates the water off of their metal gear while the others pry the grate open and set it aside, to keep it from rusting. He now wears a very briny-smelling set of wrinkled leather armor, though considering where they're going it may as well be an air freshener.

As they descend below the city streets, Grepha abandons the facade of normalcy. An armor of black smoke begins to billow down her wings, and she fades once more from view to surprise anything unpleasant they come across. Sam gags at the smell the moment he steps off of the ladder, and while Grepha is far from pleased she seems less bothered. The devil's body is unbothered by the toxins, and Hell's torturers had equally terrible assaults in store for every sense imaginable.
Still, a field of flowers would be more welcome. Perhaps, Grepha thinks to herself, the druids are not so wrong.

When the break in the wall comes up, Sam motions Grepha forward and the invisible bird glides around the corner. Caves, she admits, would be preferable to their current locale. "Grepha's checking it out," he whispers to the others for their benefit.

Spoiler: Rolls
(1d20+5)[7] Stealth for Grepha if needed
(1d20+5)[20] Adv