A Marketplace In Chaos

Spoiler: The Hunter's Weapon
The monster hunter's scimitar looks as though it has seen years of hard use. Judging by the distinct curve and odd heft at the end of the blade, this weapon, and perhaps it's wielder, comes from the Inscrutable East, though her armor and clothing looks more local to the center part of this continent. This woman appears to be something of a mutt as far as heritage and equipment can tell.

Spoiler: The Final Words of the Star Elf
"Omens rarely speak of woe or weal, at least where my people are from, Cousin. They do, however, speak of change. I only hope that the change the crystals speak of simply means the upcoming wedding. Be wary in case it is not." She picks up the handles on her cart and wheels it off to a less populated part of the market without another word.

The chaos is absolute. People begin running to cover as more and more rubble begins to rain down from the scarlet moon above. It seems as though the force of making it's way into your world has dislodged a large amount of debris from the moon itself. As people scatter Doredan catches an errant elbow to the face, followed by a man twice his size bowling into him from the side and sending the prince sprawling ignobly in the dirt of the market. To put injury to injury, someone steps on his outstretched hand, threatening to break a finger but thankfully only hurting like the Nine. Make Kunnian, with her diminutive size, makes out even worse. Caught up in a current of running people she is trampled, with feet and fists and the weight of larger beings stomping, shoving, and crushing her beneath the crowd. The other members of the wedding party hold their ground firmly, with Bil, Felicity, and the High Priest weathering the worst of the crowd's pushing and shoving, while Hylusi's servants are quick to move to either side of her and ward off the violence of the crazed commoners.

Perhaps their abuse is for the best, however, as neither the Prince nor the Maker suffer from falling debris. Hylusi's servants cannot keep track of all directions at once, and a rain of what appears to be pebbles and shards rains down on her from above with the force to bruise skin. Bil, Felicity, and the drunken High Priest all lurch out of the way of a falling shard of metal that flies straight down through the sky like a blade, catching all three with it's sharp edge before it sticks straight out of the ground trembling slightly.

The sudden onset of a potential apocalypse overwhelms both Felicity and Doredan, the rushing people, falling objects, and potential for destruction causing them both to only look up in fear for a few moments and stare. Amongst the rubble of the market place, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial, there are numerous red boulders and shards that look potentially like pieces of the moon above. This proves to not be true, however. The market place is beginning to thin out, but some people are wounded, some are unwilling to leave their wares, and some are terrified into stunned silence, but all appear to be at risk as the five red pieces of rubble start making clicking, humming, hissing sounds. Chitinous bodies unfold, leathery wings unfurled, and it is revealed that the entire market place has been peppered with some sort of insectoid beings the size of a large halfling. A beggar missing his lower legs begins frantically crawling away from one of these things, but it appears that in the mass of bodies he was injured, his already slowed pace marked by a sprained arm.

The insects all begin clacking and hissing in the same alien tone, moving aggressively into the remaining people with mandibles and sharp pincers waving menacingly.

Spoiler: OOC
Rolled Initiative for you all. It ended up being the insects, then you all. The insects spend their turns falling, readying themselves, and moving towards prey without actually attacking anyone. That's the good news. Here's the bad news.

Doredan and Kunnian takes 10 bludgeoning damage each from the crush of bodies. Hylusi, Bill, Felicity, and the High Priest each take 10 damage from falling debris. Doredan and Felicity both can move, but not attack or cast a spell due to being overwhelmed by the situation for one round. The market is a crazed place with scattered people remaining, but most people have gotten inside the various shops. Each of you is within 30 ft of one of these mites, and on each turn if they are not intercepted there is a chance the mites will attack civilians, or a chance they will leap at you. They seem to be directed by predatory instinct.

Again, it is the Party's Turn.

Spoiler: Hylusi's Arcana Roll
The Star Elves have a legend of a transient moon that travels THROUGH other world's skies, shattering the walls of reality and continuing onward from plane to plane like an omen of doom. It sometimes spends just a few minutes in a world, but sometimes spends a number of days. Either way, it will eventually move on after causing no shortage of chaos and doomsaying. The Star Elves say that there is a city on the moon, and an ocean, but that is all Hylusi has heard on this subject. Most think it the ramblings of aberrant minds and mutated bodies.

Spoiler: Perception DC 13, Hylusi has Advantage
Some of the debris that has fallen down from the red moon looks like precious metals. Some look like odd coins. In particular, one that struck the Magus directly in the forehead and bounced off looks like a strange coin combining an arc of silvery metal and a reverse arc of some sort of precious gem.