To Ravia, 'We can always get more Jokaeros.'

Quote Originally Posted by Destro_Yersul View Post
Alia listened to Hannabel's points with interest, but left them mostly unanswered. "The Jokaero is long since gone, and the crime of owning xenos-modified technology is... well, flexible enough, and in the case of the Jokaero specifically they're so useful that the Inquisition has never successfully eradicated them. As long as nobody found the suit, I think it would go unremarked."
Anika will watch Alia levelly. 'Are you sure about that? The Jokaero appeared to still be alive at the party. Assuming you don't have a spare. Are you sure your aunt is being entirely honest with you?'

Quote Originally Posted by Destro_Yersul View Post
"By the sounds of things, you mostly found out about it through Thule, but his lab is gone. The chance of hiding is good, though perhaps not forever. We may have to change tactics." Alia sighed, "All that to say, of course, that I am considering the future. I've asked you what you're after twice now. You've laid out your case, we all know where we stand. What's your offer?"
'Well at least you're thinking ahead. You're rightfully very confident in your own abilities but nothing lasts forever.' And getting to the point. 'I wanted offer you a chance to get out of here if you wanted to take it. There are certainly more interesting places to spend your time in then Scintilla. You're going to inherit regardless so I was wondering if you'd appreciate putting some distance between you and your aunt?'