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Thread: Iron Crisis Pt3 IC

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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Iron Crisis Pt3

    Cheerful Sam | Grepha
    Half-Dragon Warlock/Bard | Imp Warlock
    AC: 11 HP: 51/55 | AC: 13 HP: 15/26
    PP: 10|13 PIv: 15|12 PIs: 11|13
    --- | Raven Form, Invisible

    Downtime Night 1

    With the party seeking shelter at the Temple of Helm, no doubt with many other refugees and displaced citizens, Sam gets up to visit Bahamut's shrine. Kneeling before the shield of the Platinum Dragon, Sam brings out a small wood carving, one in the shape of the same symbol. A rough, amateurishly carved token he had idly taken to working on during their travels as an idle pastime, often during his watch shifts. He touches it to the platinum amulet hanging around his neck and sets his forehead against the shrine.

    Sam prays for guidance in the draconic tongue. "Platinum Lord, every day I find it harder to see the good in people. In a city where the law is cold and the downtrodden desperate, all I seem to see over my shoulders are enemies. I fear that I cannot lead my sisters away from darkness if my own faith is shaken." In his mind's eye, Sam counts Grepha among those sisters too, for such was the nature of their oath. "I pray that I may come to see the best in people again."

    Meanwhile, Grepha is perched outside on a rooftop across the street, watching the area- like a hawk would not be quite apt, as she does so in the form of an unseen raven.

    Spoiler: Actions
    (1d20+8)[24] Religion to pray to Bahamut, if at all relevant

    (1d20+3)[10] Perception to keep watch for anyone suspicious scoping out the temple
    If any are spotted, she will follow and scope them out
    (1d20+5)[6] (1d20+5)[11] Stealth

    Downtime Day 2

    With the others occupied in their own pursuits, Sam approaches their new dwarven ally. "Lord Magmashield, right? Or is there a more proper honorific?" he asks with a friendly, if toothy, smile. "I was wondering if you could help me with an investigation today. I've heard rumors of people being snatched away into the sewers, and I wanted to take a look."

    Maybe not the most appealing course of adventure, but nothing a couple hours of prestidigitation couldn't refresh. "There is a chance the boy could be among the abductees," Grepha considers aloud. She sighs, "I suppose I shall accompany you, instead of more guideless searching."

    "I didn't ask you to come with," Sam jousts.

    "I don't remember offering; are you ordering me not to?" she responds flatly.

    "Nope. You can crawl around in the sewer muck for Gil if you really want to."
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2023-01-30 at 08:48 PM.