Hylusi Quaternaros, Magus of Bleakpines
Magework Necromancer
Darkvision: 60ft
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 14 PIv: 14 PIs: 11
Concentrating on: detect magic
5/5 d6 HD
Arcane recovery 1/1
Spell Slots- 3/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd
Fingerbone staff 10/10

The Plate Stall

The Magus sent an amused thrum to the Prince over the stall-holder's protestations, and stepped up next to him. Her next words were more widely spread, so both merchant and princeling could hear.
<Oh, but they are wrong. I should know - I have oft met those so depicted - at least, those who actually exist. Tell me, merchant. Did you intend to slander the royal families with your depictions, or did you merely consider it secondary to your profit?>
Her hot-ember eyes fixed on the man, her expression as grim as ever to hide her growing amusement at the man's discomfort.

Rest of the Market

The Magus spent a short time watching other people attempt the puzzle - what worked and what didn't before she would attempt herself. Most of the man's wares were children's toys, worthless baubles for one such as herself - or the royal couple - but the promise of a magical gem piqued her hunger for magical doodads and the ability to flex her mental capacity her pride.

Only a fool, a child, or a foolish child wanted non-magical trinkets. Such things were unnecessary wastes. But magical items were entirely different, of course. She approached the mustachioed man, servitors following behind, and extended a hand for the box.
<I will open it,> her mental voice buzzed to the clockwork merchant. <I am sure it will be no issue for a scion of Bleakpines such as myself.>
For a moment, she turned it over in her hands, seeing the dials and cranks, feeling the weight. There - hold back that switch, turn that, press it that, another thing to twist, but not too far - utilising all three hands, she frowned, and finally jabbed a button with a thumb. The cube made a sharp mechanical sound - and no shock came. As it began to open, she nodded, satisfied, to herself.
<A matter of ease.>


The crystal merchant drew her attention the most, however. It seemed well fitting - the sound aspect for the husband, and the divination for the wife. He seemed somewhat like an elf, which drew her attention, being somewhat of an elf herself, but the description that the crystals grew lured her interest for real. She examined him more closely, eyes narrowed, and she searched her mind for a bigger clue of what both he and his products were.

The crystals were certainly magical; no worthless trinket they would be, but all the same, she was searching for something obscure.

Spoiler: OOC

Nat 20 for a 24 to open the box.

22 in Nature to identify the crystals and the star elf.