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Thread: 3.5e Batman Campaign (2.0) [2nd Thread]

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: 3.5e Batman Campaign (2.0) [2nd Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by JbeJ275 View Post
    Hmmm…. I’m gonna roll a straight wisdom roll to see if I chase Havyn down to lead the back into everyone else’s trap. Calling it a DC 10.


    Also what’s providing the lighting in here?
    Wisdom check fails.

    Lighting is provided by what appear to be mundane torches, though Oracle (take 10 like 14 different possible ways) deduces after looking at them even for a moment that they're lit by cantrips rather than proper fuel, so as to not produce too much smoke down here. That makes sense, since there appears to be very little in the way of ventilation but quite a lot in the way of arcanists. All that being said, the cantrips only give off the light of regular torches.

    EDIT: This environment is technically "low-light". I should have probably mentioned that. The torches are okay but not great, and the rogue magi are clearly comfortable skulking around in a dark creepy sewer dungeon. I don't believe my omission of the poorer lighting conditions would have had much of an impact just yet since all of the action has happened in relatively close quarters, but it is worth noting, especially given how shadows-friendly the Dark Knights/Bat Family are. Well, that and the fact that you broke into a Thieves Guild House.

    It'll take a turn to free himself from the ropes entirely for sure. Then however long you think is fair to run over and get his gear, then back to break position by that first north door! Hopefully, since Nightwing doesn't have weapons to retrieve, he can be the agent of mercy. Can Barbara's brain powers detect anything on the other side of this door, or is it too short range?
    You're probably looking at 3 turns, or 18 seconds to complete those tasks. Nightwing can first aid Baydon back to Stable Condition.

    Without giving too much away, a quick look at the trusty old ruler reveals that, were Oracle to stand next to you in front of that door, should would likely be able to get any of her 60ft. sensors to cover the entire next room. A shorter sensor -- if anything is limited to 30ft., for example -- would struggle to be as useful, but probably wouldn't be useless.

    I say this because I am fairly confident detect spells have a 60ft. range if memory serves, but there are so many spells in 3.5e I tend to try not to guess what kinds of tricks Oracle might have up her sleeves at any given moment lol.

    Yet another EDIT: It takes Nightwing 12 *seconds to stabilize Baydon, but he does so successfully. When we're ready to move IC I can articulate as much.
    Last edited by Molan; 2023-01-27 at 07:44 PM.