Caelyn Syol'arael
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 15 HP: 54/54
PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
Concentrating on:
5 / 7 d8 HD
Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 0/3 3rd, 0/1 4th

As the group is deciding what they will do for the day, Caelyn nods at the suggestion to stay at the temple of Helm. "I know little of gods and goddesses, and even less outside the Seldarine, but all have heard the tales of the steadfastness of Helm and his servants. However, if this results in more deaths of innocents we must find some other solution for resting. I refuse to throw people to the Iron Throne wolves just so we can sleep in a comfortable bed."

As Sam and Leaf began to split off, Caelyn turned to Anri and smiled. "If you wish to know more about being elven, I am searching for the perfect spot. I am in search of a temple or shine of Sehanine Moonbow, elvish god of dreams and transitions. I... well, most elves don't have dreams, and a druid friend of mine gave me a gift, but I've been having troubling dreams of late, and I hope that her holy folk can put my mind at ease. On the way we can discuss everything my sister taught me of elvish-ness. Plus I want to buy some... shady things. I have little experience, but I've always wanted to learn the thieve's talent for picking locks, and I need a lock to practice on and tools to learn with. Do you wish to join me?"

Spoiler: OOC
Downtime Day 1- Tell me if this is too much to fit in one day.

1. Find a temple or shrine of Sehanine Moonbow and ask about the dreams plaguing the family.
2. Teach Anri about the Seldarine and whatever elvish trivia Caelyn can remember.
3. Buy Thieve's Tools and a Practice Lock.
4. Start working with Anri on how to pick locks.