Prince Doredan
Human Martial Bard 5
AC: 14 HP: 25/33
PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
Conditions: ---

Furling up the note and slipping it into his pocket (though it would be a moot point soon enough when the trick ink fades), the unlucky Prince stands and looks around, brushing himself off. Hopefully not too many people saw him take a tumble. No doubt Corinne is somewhere in a dark corner stifling laughter at his expense.

Straightening his shirt and finery, bearing the royal insignia, he notices a cohort of masked figures following a familiar elven dignitary. Since this high priest he is supposed to look for is an elf, perhaps she knows where he is. Striding swiftly in her wake, he catches up to the color-drained and stern-looking magus. "Fancy meeting you outside of the castle! Are you enjoying the festivities? Or you needed a break from them, perhaps?" he hazards a guess based on her demeanor.