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    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Prince Doredan
    Human Martial Bard 5
    AC: 14 HP: 25/33
    PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
    Conditions: ---

    A long day of playing violin to entertain the guests had left the young (but not youngest) Prince exhausted, with sweat glistening on his forehead. Pulling out a kerchief from his pocket, he wipes away the layer of sweat, only opening his eyes in time to reflexively catch the apple flying his way. "Oui, and a welcome one. If someone requested Le Mariage de Lord Lachance once more, I was prepared to snap my strings to escape."

    Leaning back against the apple tree, he takes a bite from the fruit and listens to the elven marriage tradition. Unexpected, huh? Doredan could do 'unexpected'. He is looking up at the leaves, lost in thought, when Corinne leaps from the balcony. Startled from his thoughts, he looks around and then, confident in his own skills, leaps after her. While skidding down the slope and leaning back to keep from tumbling over, he lifts the apple to take a bite in an attempt to look cool. The wind blows the stem off as he raises it to his mouth and blows it down his throat, where it lodges itself rather painfully.

    Startled, the Prince hacks and chokes, missing a rock in his path that sends him tripping over and tumbling down to the next level terrace. Rolling against a stone bench, his stomach impacts the leg and causes him to cough up the stem. Only, as astute observation finds, it is no stem at all.

    Sitting up and hiding his face, flush with embarrassment, behind the seat of the bench, Doredan unfurls the note and peers at it. There was absolutely no way to play off this blunder as intentional, so he simply tries to act like it never happened and his sides aren't sore and likely to bruise.

    Now, Doredan had paid less than zero attention to the guest list. So his first thought upon reading the name on the note is, Who is Meriand Voskolm?

    Spoiler: OOC
    Takes 8 damage from biffing Acrobatics with a nat 1 and falling.

    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2023-01-23 at 01:16 PM.