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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    It was all a simple misunderstanding, really. The man had paid, quite generously, for a piece of paper. What the man thought the paper promised, and what the paper really said, were another matter entirely, but it certainly wasn't Amelie's job to ensure the man was properly literate, nor was it her duty to properly explain to the man that refunds certainly not done. That is when Cheyanne intervened, simply asking what the problem was and reassuring the simpleton that it could all be worked out, like there was a cure for loutishness. THAT, was when the man, had called Miss Julus a name, a rather uncharitable name, and to mind her own, thrice-damned half blood business. So, Miss Julus promptly broke the man's jaw, and all sorts of chaos erupted. Cheyanne didn't see the knife coming for her, but I, being used to such sorts of chicanery, did. I removed the would be stabber from the fight with a well placed kick to the nethers, but unfortunately recieved a broken bottle in my side from yet another of the man's neverending supply of associates. Really, if the man had half as much brains as he did lackwits, all of this would have never transpired. Needless to say, after the fight, Cheyanne put a kind touch to the wound and all was better, and we, have been watching each others back ever since.

    Miss Pentagrast, btw, will be speaking in A nice shade of blue

    Here I am putting the sheet line for Miss Pentagrast

    Perception: 1d20+9

    Initiative: 1d20+4
    Last edited by Ancient; 2023-02-08 at 04:53 PM.