Quote Originally Posted by Kish View Post
Can someone who knows Grinnarorcen's name summon him, or only command him if he's already there?
Having reread the page, it's mentioned that, once in Hell, he's free, so I guess not really. In a way, it's both better and worse this way. It's better, because the characters won't need to do something nasty and character-breaking to save the world (although I think a good writer could do something interesting with it). It's worse, because Ear's idea of going to Hell, without a way to do so ever having been shown, feels ungrounded and Quixotic. I think Ears is paying for the fact that he was supposed to die at the start, and his role was supposed to be played by the quirky Vorpal, who would have used the axe thanks to his paladinic 1/13 (?).