Abenor leads the others in while keeping formation. Though he knows that the entire party is not designed for stealth, he does move at a pace and gestures for the party to at least to "try" to be stealthy. He knows Aasgar well enough to slow his own speed down so that even Aasgar (and the armored Gharmez) can still move half speed themselves to go slowly and stealthily.

He only moves forward 10' before he stops the party. Kurst is next to him, and Abenor points north as Ileor - Abenor's magical katana - just barely in dim light reveals the horse, but only to Abenor's elven eyes. Abenor holds his hand up to the others and moves in a little more with Kurst as the rest of the party filters into the spot they were told to wait at.

The party doesn't even have a chance to do more than that as a roar erupts from inside, causing the frightened horse to whinny.

Begin Round One ...

R1T27: "Unholy dragon senses!" Abenor spits. He looks to the party. "We'll cover Kurst's retreat. Kurst, get the horse out."

And with that, Abenor goes into his hunting stance and moves forward north and then west around a corner. His voice is heard echoing from within. "Eyes on target!"

R1T23: Another draconic roar is heard, followed by the sound of it spitting at Abenor.

R1T22: Since it can see light, the old warhorse bolts to the south where there are a mass of heroes. It doesn't run over the heroes, but is stamping away angrily, and can't be considered an "ally" for the purposes of movement as it is frightened and confused.

R1T20: Gharmez, what do you do?