Quote Originally Posted by JbeJ275 View Post
Also I’m ready to post on the combat stuff, but am I missing something on the bullock thing that would be helpful to us long term beyond him giving Babs all the evidence of corruption and leaving the city forever?
Ah, this web of lies and deception I spin...

...trying to remember what the heck I had him connected with. Obviously, he's bought by multiple parties, but I can't remember which other big players he could help incriminate based on the evidence you guys already collected...

...really need a better way to organize plot progression lol.

Okay let's recap. Based on the evidence you've gotten, you know:
1. He's dirty (early sleuthing by Oracle).
2. He was doing jobs for the Mad Hatter before...you know...
3. He was taking bribes from the Thieves Guild (multiple sources).

So...I would squeeze him for the following:
1. Known Lawmen (noble Justicars, typically poor knights), who are on the take.
2. Any of the Bloodhounds in his ring.
3. Names of any Thieves Guild or noble house members (likely not high level leaders, but mid level managers) who have used bribes or blackmail on the Justicars. If the cops round them up, they can collect evidence on which Justicars were bought.

All in, you could probably aim for squeezing upwards of 30 names out of him. That'll probably require that you write down whatever he says, I assume you can hear all this through the dream, right?

Then you can decide how to deploy the intel.