High Elf Eldritch Knight.
Darkvision: 60ft Blindsight: 10ft
AC: 17 HP: 68/72
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 12
Concentrating on:
7 / 7 d8 HD
Second wind 1d10+7 1/1 Action surge 0/1
Spell Slots- 3/4 1st, 1/2 2nd

The elf blinked and looked around as Caelyn spoke. She focused her lambent gold eyes on the other elf. Her head inclined to the side, like a curious beast.

"Why are you responsible?" she asked. Despite it being a question, her voice was flat, almost sounding like a statement. "In my current experience, the suffering comes from being stabbed. You did not seem to be stabbing people. Though you did burn some, so perhaps that might count. I have not been burnt yet, so I could not say."

She paused, and then added thoughtfully.

"The last time I rested, I too had an invasion by ruffians. It might just be a common experience."
Spoiler: OOC