Quote Originally Posted by Eldan View Post
Dammit, you make me want to read Lee again. You had me at incomprehensible, but my too read pile is too big right now.
Dooo iiit. Blood of Roses is excellent, even for Lee. I found it slightly harder than the Blood Opera sequence, but I'd rate it slightly higher. Think roughly the level of incomprehensible as some of the Secret Books of Paradys, but for a 600 page novel rather than linked short stories. It's a really masterful piece of fantasy, although fantasy isn't quite the right description. Maybe novel about a middle ages that didn't exist? Like there's magical things (kind of) but the tone and scope and project is entirely distinct from pretty much anything I'd think of as fantasy.

Also Blood of Roses is actually in print again. The whole thing thing can be yours for like $50, which given that the first printing goes for like $300 is a total bargain.