Cheerful Sam | Grepha
Half-Dragon Warlock/Bard | Imp Warlock
AC: 11 HP: 55/55 | AC: 16 HP: 26/26
PP: 10|13 PIv: 15|12 PIs: 11|13
Concentrating: Heroism (Senna) | Armor of Shadows, Raven Form, 5 thp (Armor of Agathys)

Sam takes notice of the girls mended wounds, the skin around them singed red from heat. Recognizing the marks of Caelyn's healing, Sam nods and gives his sister a thumbs up. "Good to hear. We're not out of this yet."

"You guys," he turns to the civilians who can't fight and addresses them, "Wait a moment after we go up so we can draw their attention. Then try to make a dash for the side of the ship and jump to the pier so you can get out of here. Hopefully they won't bother with non-threatening targets." Once they are coached, he charges up alongside Leaf, carrying Grepha on his shoulder.

Running onto the deck, he pivots out of the silence field just above and launches a pair of eldritch blasts at the assassins. Then he kicks off and runs up the stairs onto the above deck. Grepha takes off from his shoulder and sails at one of the spellcasters like a comet of sickly green flame, hoping for an easy target.

Spoiler: Actions
Move to 1 SE of the exit from the stairs above, just out of the silence field. Should take 3 movement or so.
Cast EB on Silent Assassin on the edge of the boat to hopefully hurl him off the edge and into the water.
(1d20+6)[10] Blast 1
(1d10)[6] damage and a Ring Out if it hits
(1d20+6)[15] Blast 2 also at him if Blast 1 misses. If he got Ringed Out, it will target the other Silent Assassin to the south
(1d10)[9] damage and either Ring Out or [roll1d4[/roll] knockback damage to the south guy
Then, move 1 W, 1 NW, 1 N just onto the upper deck.

Take off from Sam's ending position and fly at the masked mage-assassin, ending 1 N of him.
Burning Beak attack.
(1d20+5)[8] to hit
(3d4+3)[12] damage, (1d8)[3] fire damage, (3d6)[8] poison damage with (1d20)[15] Con save for half vs DC 11