By focusing on the Coxswain's instructions and watching the others instead of just on brute force (like Aasgar did), Gharmez does a passable job of rowing, and does so efficiently enough to note be wrecked by the end of her shift. Aasgar gets flustered with his instructions, but his keen senses still help him when his lack of knowledge fails him, and he does Captain Bloodtusk says he does alright. The NPCs do well at their given jobs.

That night, as the previous nights, the keelboat puts ashore and ties off. Abenor works on his own swordplay and tactical acumen. Galakhar gets herb knowledge from Cici (for the kitchen) while he in turn tutors her on some alchemical manufacturing tips. Kurst takes time to tutor Gharmez and Aasgar on how best to track orcs.

Fireday, 12 Pharast 4715 AR
Weather: 65/ 45 F. Dry.

Does anyone prepare anything differently today for their dailies?