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Thread: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown OOC XV

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown OOC XV

    Finding it quite hard to think of murder plans. Or, more specifically, ways in which I can make this tie into long-term goals OOC or IC: it's not entirely Ludo's vibe to do a murder without a point. I would imagine that "sneak into the bedroom when Sforza is out, stab her, run away" is reasonably possible with Ludo's sneaking statline.

    I kind of wish i'd not had him announce his intention IC - without a plan, he's going to look like a bit of a wally just quietly dropping the idea. Going back further, I think I would have been less "do your worst" about it if I'd known how much of a loose end I was at without the "tainted drugs" idea. Which yes, does feel a bit grubby OOC typing it out.

    Perhaps it's better to find a way of slipping to Sforza that she's been taking contraceptives? That might get revenge for Adelbert, and achieve the goal of removing her as a power base (and thus her ability to threaten Ludo's family) without needing to kill her? But, like, maybe it won't. And also, does that achieve anything long-term in terms of our nominal goals of taking over? Could we imply that Nahorek/Mala was responsible?

    Alternatively, Irene has always taken her own safety extremely seriously. If we were to make a credible threat to her own safety, perhaps that could affect her behaviour.

    If Sforza divorces Irene (is he allowed to?) I wonder if we could find a candidate to take her place, Alicent Hightower style. I think perhaps Ludo should take the documents to Filomena and speak to her about this whole thing - she hates Irene right? And might be willing to get in on a strategy to get her out of the way.

    So these are going to be Ludo's questions: sorry if they're a bit vague and more spurs for conversation rather than specific asks.
    • The Lady Irene and Filomena never seemed to get on. Why was that? Does she have any other particular enemies in Savonne?
    • What was your process for buying this drug for her? Who did you purchase it from? Did they know you were buying it for the principessa?
    • Does the Lady give advice to Sforza? Does he listen to her? Who else gives him advice - who often disagrees with her?
    • How long has Sforza been expecting a child? How long has Irene been protecting against that?
    • How does Irene spend her time when Sforza is away?
    • AND only if Gina has been getting on well with things so far - how is Irene protected? What kind of personal guard does she have?

    Here is an initial Charm test for this (1d100)[67] vs 92. If Gina catches on to the idea of Ludo trying to depose or kill Irene, he'll say something like "she threatened my family", and only continue if that seems to make her much more comfortable.

    I'm not sure how much money to give Gina. How much was she earning as a lady's maid? I assume she's got nothing more than the clothes she's wearing.

    And a pure mechanical question: If I do go with plan sneak-and-stab, can we bring the At Your Mercy rules back for that? Sneaking ludo can do, but stabbing not so much.
    Last edited by LeSwordfish; 2022-12-14 at 09:56 AM.
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