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Thread: Iron Crisis Pt3 IC

  1. - Top - End - #131
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Lower Menthis

    Default Re: Iron Crisis Pt3 IC

    Tabaxi Ranger 4/Rogue 3
    AC: 17 HP: 41/60 PP: 18 PIv: 12 PIs: 14
    HD: 4/4d10, 4/4d8, Conditions: none
    Spell Slots, 1st: 3/3 LR
    Favored Foe: 2/3 LR
    Restrain: 2/3 Dawn

    Entangling vines and a lurching ship aren't a great combination. Leaf dances away from the vines and towards the exit, assuming Grok and his spider friend can manage the nearest enemy.

    "Come on. We need to get out of here!"

    As he leaves the stern of the ship, Leaf focuses on the enemy by Caleyn. He draws an arrow, utters a small prayer to Maztica, and lets the arrow fly. When the arrow hits, it dissolves into a mass of tangling vines that engulf the bandit, wrapping around his arms and legs to keep him in place.

    Spoiler: OOC
    BA Dash, weaving around the difficult terrain and avoiding any AOO from the enemy, ending up 2 squares west and 2 south of Caelyn.

    Attack: (1d20+12)[28]
    Damage: (1d8+7)[11]
    Colossus if injured: (1d8)[8]
    Sneak attack: (2d6)[6][6](12)
    If Crit (1d8)[3] base + (1d8)[4] piercer + (1d8)[4] colossus + (2d6)[2] sneak attack
    Piercer reroll lowest d8 if roll 3 or less: (1d8)[8]
    If no d8 at 3 or less, reroll lowest d6 2 or less (1d6)[3]
    = 31 damage

    On a hit, will use bow's entangle, DC14 STR save or restrained until end of my next turn.

    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2022-12-14 at 09:01 AM.