Slipping behind the pillar for just a moment Leaf's expert bowshot nails the fleeing thug in the spine, dropping him like the sack of meat that he is. Between Sam and Grok, their own assassin foe continues to suffer, though remains standing. Seeing his ally cut down the man turns to flee, but Grok's weapon lashes out and slices him across the foot, locking him down. He turns and retaliates, slicing at the dwarf with two quick twists of his blade.

Secluded in the separate room, Senna's opponent continues to be wrapped in her magic, and releasing a massive jolt of electricity through him doesn't seem to help him any - he's still as paralyzed as before.

It's difficult for Grepha to make out much from her position, but what she does see is a tall man in an ornate mask, dressed in light leathers with an component pouch at his waist, accompanied by yet another one of the assassins. There seem to be at least a few bodies on the floor - patrons and guards both - cut down by the assailants. Blood oozes lazily from open wounds, indicating they're probably already dead, while the spellcaster and their 'assistant' look unharmed and entirely ready to continue the fight.

Spoiler: Map

Sam hits with both his blasts.
Leaf downs the fleeing thug.
Grok hits twice, and when the assassin disengages and tries to flee, his reaction sentinel attack hits and locks him in place. He's not down, but he isn't far off. The assassin retaliates, since he's locked in place, and hits Grok for 10 slashing damage.
Senna hit-crits with shocking grasp. Her assassin fails its save against hold person again.

Grepha gets sight of an upper floor, as on the left side of the map - but that's it, and only Grepha, for now.

Vala, ??? and Caelyn are up.

Initiative order:

Grepha: [23]
Sam: [21]
Grok: [17]
Leaf: [16]

EA: [15]

Vala: [14]
???: [12]
Caeyln: [9]

EV: [4]
ES: [4]

Senna: [1]