Anika doesn't seem overly bothered by the image on Kennoch's dataslate, 'There are worse things then getting disembered. As deaths go it seems rather quick. For comparison perhaps I could see if Ravia has any picts of the Yu'vath construct we encountered. Personally I do not need any help to remember it.' She is certainly exasperated by Kennoch. 'I would prefer to avoid letting Alia Kindjal get the better of me, but at the same time I would be embarrassed to admit to being afraid of her.'

Anika will nod in agreement with the second point though. It was worth answering. 'That's the back up plan if the worst happens. Give the data to someone trustworthy so they can pass it on if they don't hear from us in a specific timeframe. As for why I don't want to simply pass the data on now, perhaps I have spent far too much time on this to leave it alone.' She'll pause for Hannabel's interjection, 'And that. At least by handling this myself I have a chance of finding out what the hell motivated all of this.'