What a shocking and unexpected twist, hoho! The only person holding parties when the Stalker is about is the Stalker and her dear old nan. Especially given Anika's discovery that they own a Jokaero. Still rather unfortunate- she was quite a charming young lady

He considers Anika's idea. Not a bad plan. She's unlikely to show up in full xenostech battle armor, as that would publicize that shes the stalker. Perhaps we can negotiate with her then. If not, at least she wont have the element of surprise and will be heavily outnumbered.

He looks at Kennoch. You may be unfortunately right, master navis. Emperor knows what vile sorcery the beasts use. Still, unlike her other victims we know who she is and we are not caught by surprise. It is worth noting as well that she clearly fears discovery, or else she would not have operated in secret for so long. She cannot be so all-powerful as you fear, or she would have no reason to eliminate Thule.