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Thread: Iron Crisis Pt3 IC

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    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

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    Jan 2011
    Castle Sparrowcellar

    Default Re: Iron Crisis Pt3 IC

    Safely outside of the assassin's bubble of quiet, Caelyn's spell tears his defensive abjuration from him, filling his - and Senna's - ears with noise once more. Vala leaps past Sam, taking up her spear but lacking time to grab her shield. She invokes her divine magic once more, gleaming with radiant light as she lashes out with her spear, flailing it with abandon to draw attention to herself. It works, and the attacker turns away from Leaf's door to instead slash at her with his blades, cutting past her magic and clothes to draw blood.

    The remaining unoccupied swordsman leaves Vala to his companion, turning instead to ???'s door, kicking it up, and receiving a fiery axe directly for his troubles. Undeterred by the sudden blow, he strikes back. ??? manages to evade the man's shortsword, but his longer blade comes in from behind to strike twice.

    Spoiler: Map

    The northern thug-type moves to ???'s room and kicks the door open, receiving a successful readied attack for 11 slashing and 9 fire. He retaliates hitting ??? for 15 slashing over two attacks.
    Caelyn successfully dispels the silence effect from the assassin and moves into flanking position.
    Vala moves up to the remaining thug-type in the centre and attacks recklessly, hitting twice for 16. Her opponent fights back and hits her thrice, for 11, after rage reduction.

    Senna, Grepha, Sam, Grok, and Leaf are now up.

    Initiative order:

    Grepha: [23]
    Sam: [21]
    Grok: [17]
    Leaf: [16]

    EA: [15]

    Vala: [14]
    ???: [12]
    Caeyln: [9]

    EV: [4]
    ES: [4]

    Senna: [1]

    Last edited by Amnestic; 2022-11-22 at 12:42 PM.
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