On another day Laura might try to take what enjoyment she could out of the market, but her dreams and her business here made that difficult at the moment. When the fishmonger pulls her towards his stall she'll poilitely but firmly leaver it's fingers off her wrist.

Once she reaches Snigglebutt's stall Laura can't help but notice the stuffed animals. Had they had owners until fairly recently? 'Window shopping' she'll reply. Laura will try to assess how much of Snigglebutt's wares might have plausibly been recently taken from a mortal kidnap victim. She'll also be on the look out for anything that Snigglebutt might use to defend himself in an emergency. He didn't seem like the type to have flunkies to protect himself but who could tell.


Laura awkwardly has no streetwise so I think that's minus 1 for the lack of a social skill
Int 2 (-1 penalty)
Any 10

Wits 3 + Composure 3
Any 10s