Caelyn Syol'arael
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 15 HP: 54/54
PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
Concentrating on:
7 / 7 d8 HD
Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 3/3 3rd, 1/1 4th

Caelyn smiles and laughs at Sam handing over the bottle, giving it a small shake and shivering slightly. "It is still cold! Amazing! Thank you, Sam!" She also motions for an opener to the nearest server. Meanwhile, Grepha's gift elicits a different response- a solemn eyed look of acknowledgement and understanding. "I'll make sure to try it out with Rosc Roche first thing tomorrow. Thank you, Grepha. Not everyone would remember that we have another member of our group who can't always be with us, but I think you have some special insight into that." When Senna promises a gift tomorrow, Caelyn nods eagerly and shakes her fists in anticipation of what her younger sister may have chosen. By then the wine de-corker had arrived, and Caelyn utilizes it after some difficulty, giving a shout of surprise when the cork launches from the bottle like a rocket! "It is magic, Sam!" She begins to refresh everyone's glass from the new bottle, including a taste for Grepha.

Security and safety is far from Caelyn's mind as, for the next several hours, she focuses on being young, having fun, and being loved by her family and friends.