Philemon rises with the sun, yawning but seeming to grapple with waking well. After a moment of deep breathing and a sip of water from his waterskin he rises and begins looking about to see what has happened overnight.

When he finds the overturned earth and follows the signs he looks concerned, returning to the others to report his find. "Something out there came up from the earth and took the corpses. I don't like it, but they didn't bother us - yet. I'd like to look at it closer and see what I can learn. Will someone else watch to make sure my head isn't down when something else comes to mess with us?" he asks, obviously expecting someone to help. Then he returns to the sites and starts a thorough search of the area to try and see if anything else can be discovered...

Spoiler: Mechanics
Survival (+5) - taking 20 nets a 25. Perception (if applicable) has the same modifier. Phil wants to try to figure out what it was, if possible, and where it took the bodies.