R2T15: Accepting the raging song, Ago lets out a bellowing war cry, ”These wretches will fall before us, comrades!” Emboldened by his allies, Ago let’s loose a storm of attacks with his flail, his shield, and even a vicious bite. He swings his flail up into Blue's groin, destroying him and leaving a hideous scorch mark on the ground. He then pushes the spike on his shield through the gap in the wall to stab green in the upper arm for for 7, then bites low to mack on the zombie's knee for 9. The taste of the zombie is truly hideous, gut-wrenching, but Ago ignores the taste.

R2T14: Lev, you are currently using inspired rage. You should probably get closer to at least see the fight. What do you do?

Visto on deck, Green in the hole ...