
After much deliberation, a bottle of fine Evermeet White Wanderwine sticks out to Sam - promising notes of tart pear, ginger spice, and enchanted honey. At a cost of a mere 150gp per magically chilled bottle, you're practically robbing coin from the vendor's pocket - or so they opine as they're packing it for you.

Vala, Caelyn

"Might even be able to pick up some coin plying my trade. Been a while since we could just stop and breathe. Can't say I'm a fan of losing two months of my life but if it means we don't have to sprint around at top speed all the time..." She lets the thought linger without finishing it as you climb up the (fixed) gangplank to the deck proper. There's little in the way of signage or any indication the ship is anything more than a docked vessel, but perhaps that is intentional, to avoid drawing undue attention. There's a few rough looking men dressed in sailing gear on deck, keeping watch, but one looks over the pair of you and simply nods, jerking his head towards and open door at his side, from which you can hear the undeniable sounds of entertainment.

Descending the initially darkened stairs you quickly emerge into a gambling hall, complete with a fully stocked and busy bar. Just at a glance you spot card and dice games being played, and one table appears to be engaged in a knife challenge of some sort. In the corner a man strums quietly on a lute, catching the most minor of scowls from Vala. There's a distinct air of adult baudiness to the place - it has the energy of the Friendly Arm Inn, though you can taste the seediness on the tip of your tongue.

And perhaps doing so will make you catch something.

"I'll find out about rooms," Vala offers, leaving Caelyn free to either sample the delights of this floor or descend further - or head back to the surface to await Sam and Senna.