Quote Originally Posted by lio45 View Post
That basic general advice applies well to all attorneys for all clients at all times!

It's pretty crazy it had to be said out loud
My boss said the same thing. In 25 years of doing this job, he could not recall a single time the genitals of the client were relevant. (I can only think of 1 circumstance where they would be - if someone alleges a man did something with his penis and that man turns out to be a transman who has not had bottom surgery.)

Oh, and I forgot to mention it above, but there was another relevant topic of discussion. (Well, maybe relevant, since the talk dealt with the juvenile justice system. But it could be expended to juveniles.) A transwoman won a case at the federal circuit (one level below the US Supreme Court) holding that it was a violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act to house her with male inmates. She was originally housed with women, then when it was discovered she was in transition, they housed her with men, refused to give her hormones (that she had been on for 15 years), would not give her a bra, and had her strip searched* by male corrections officers.

* As I understand it, strip searching is common in jails and prisons. That she was strip searched was not a violation. That she was strip searched by men rather than women was the violation.