The aquaticized mage and the little construct swam out towards the disturbance. As they got closer, they could see that the debris consisted of both natural limbs and spiky looking shrubby things, along with some various-sized poles that looked too smooth to be natural. Whatever was causing the disturbance was deep, so Nolwenn dived down to take a look.

The thrashing and bubbles were churning up the water, but Nolwenn swam slowly closer until she could see what was happening. It looked like a mess of ropes and cables were hanging from the debris up top, and something (or somethings) was caught in it. She inched nearer. Yes, somethings. A body, or maybe two, or maybe a zombie, or two. Or three? She couldn't tell if the corprses were thrashing around under their own power, or were being tossed around by whatever else was caught up in the tangle. Trying to get a better angle, she moved around the disturbance. Whatever it was appeared to be dark red, almost black in colour, and covered in armoured plates. It was bigger than her, but not as big as the girallon zombie they'd fought several days ago. And were those giant claws? Whatever it was, it was tangled up good, and in its attempts to get free, hadn't yet noticed her.