R1T16: Gelik begins his oration to inspire courage, and readies himself to fire upon the strange man should he actually decide to attack.

R1T14: Though a little shaken, the duergar begins casting a spell that Gelik doesn't recognize, so it isn't until the spell is successfully finished and he actually shoots forth a beam of energy at the tiger that Gelik reflexively shoots at him with a planar detonation as well. Gelik's shot goes wide, but the dark energy of the dwarf's spell hits Veress squarely. Despite the perfect shot, Veress is too mighty a target to be felled by such simple tools.

R1T13: Fruthrin Steelfeet, Sersheelda's spectral wolf, comes out of the area where it is to bite the duergar's lower right arm for 5. So savage is Fruthrin's worrying of his target that the dwarf is knocked off of his feet.

R1T12: Veress moves over to his mistress to protect her.

R1T10: Xhanfaerd, what do you do?

Harrim on deck, Sersheelda in the hole ...