Sam's impassioned plea makes Seniyad swivel before delivering the final blow. His paw is still raised, the claws razor sharp and still dripping with Faldorn's blood, but he doesn't bring the swipe down upon the fallen shadow druid, instead watching and waiting. Faldorn still bleeds, and - perhaps - Seniyad is willing to let that happen, as he makes no effort to stem the crimson flow. Instead he watches, and waits, letting nature take its course in the most literal sense.

Senna and Caelyn unleash a combination of magical blasts against the hag whose clothes begin to burn from the onslaught. With a shriek she retaliates, launching her own burst of fey magic at Senna. The bolts of chaotic magic strike the cleric past her defenses, causing unpleasant looking welts on her skin.

Having run, jumped, and climbed around the tree's edge, Vala finally reaches the hag and finds herself blocked by the same spike growth that keeps the fey in place. She opts to launch a rock scooped from the ground at the creature, but the non-aerodynamic projectile flies wide, accompanied only by a muttered curse from the spear wielder. Your druidic ally makes up for his previous failing by slamming a ball of flame directly into the hag's chest, causing her to stumble slightly.

Spoiler: Map

Caelyn+Bokono's blasts hit for a total of 29.

Sam convinces Seniyad to not execute Faldorn. For now.
Senna's MM hits for 10.

The hag retaliates with her own magic missile on Senna, blasting her for 12.

Hood-druid crits(!) with his cantrip for 10 damage. She was bloodied before this, but since it's the last damage in the turn I'll say it here: the hag is bloodied.
Seniyad dodges.

Vala moves up onto the platform, but is unwilling to cross the spike growth. She lobs a rock at the hag and misses.

Since Caelyn might be reviving Faldorn to avoid a fey invasion or something similar, only Caelyn is now up.

Initiative Order:
Sam: [26]
Senna: [18]

Hags: [16]
Shadow: [12]

Druids: [8]
Vala: [5]

Caelyn: [4]

Faldorn: [3]