The party explores north, but because of the large waterway have to backtrack to explore the western bank as well. The ruins of the city-proper are diminishing here. The party returns to camp.

That evening, as part entertainment and part didacticism, Xhanfaerd starts to mention other magical creatures - not unlike the chimera - that exist in mythology and legend. Sersheelda, Book, Amivor, Aron, Gelik, and many of the Pathfinders enjoy this. Fronaldo doesn't find Xhanfaerd an engaging speak and is bored, and when Xhanfaerd doesn't include alchemical usages for owlbear feathers, Fronaldo just goes off to work on knife techniques to work out his overall, weeks-long boredom.

Wealday, 8 Calistril 4711 AR (Waxing Crescent)

What's next, Book?