Mauricio blinks, as if having difficulty understanding Kharesh's point. "...Master dwarf, would you prefer to go back to your cell right now? The captain here is clearly utilizing us as a bit of extra-legal assistance in dealing with a public menace. You are correct in that he could throw us back into our cells, but even if he did, it's only the exact same result we would receive if we declined. If nothing else, I am happy to get one less addictive substance off of the streets. Wounds heal, but addiction cripples for life."

Looking to the others, Mauricio recommends, "I recommend we start with this Kamil. One must imagine that a pesh dealer would be happy to undercut any competition."

Spoiler: OOC

Sense Motive on the captain just in case: (1d20+8)[9]
Mauricio Averni
HP: 26/26
AC: 15
Class DC: 18
Speed: 25
Fort: +5
Ref: +7
Will: +8
Perception: +8
Feats: Forensic Acumen, That's Odd, Battle Medicine, Ward Medic