Kharesh Hammerfist, dwarven monk

Kharesh had sat silently in the cage, meditating as others might chaff against the incarceration. When the time came to answer to the constabulary, he rose without comment and followed the guards to the office.
There, he listened as the man laid out their fate in no uncertain terms and then proceeded to use their situation to strongarm them into aiding him. The task itself seemed straight forward enough, even noble to some, but there were still dangers for those who did not ask questions or look past the slippery words and into the heart of the matter. He cleared his throat and asked quietly, "We are at the whim of laws we don't fully understand. We freed stolen women, but you say that is legal and we are wrong. We defended ourselves from gnoll attacks, but you say we are in the wrong. Now you say to stop the drugs ... but you have said they are legal here. What is to stop you from saying we are wrong tomorrow and throwing us back in prison? How can we trust anything not written down or witnessed only by those here? This city is filled with lies and we have fallen for them too many times ..."

OOC - Kharesh will help, but isn't keen on getting screwed again for doing a good deed.
Effects / Status / Conditions: Mountain Stance; Darkvision; Ancient Blooded Dwarf (+1 save vs magic); Cat Fall (falls are 10’ less)

Spoiler: Crunch& Status
AC: 17 (19) HP 10/22 Initiative +5
Saves: Fort +7 Ref +7 Will +7 Per +5 / Move 20’ (15’)
Abilities: Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 8
Skills: Acrobatics +5, Athletics +7, Warfare Lore +3, Religion +5, Stealth +5, Pahmet Lore +3
Abilities: Call on Ancient Blood (prior to rolling a save vs magical effect, add +1 [circ]); Flurry of blows (make two strikes for 1 action [flourish]); Mountain stance (see below); Darkvision; Dwarven Weapon Familiarity; Cat Fall (treat falls as 10' shorter)
Stance: Mountain (+4 AC, +2 vs Shove/Trip, +0 Max Dex, -5 ft move; Falling Stone are only Strikes useable in stance)
Combat: Axe (+7 / 1d8S+4 / sweep); Clan Dagger (+7 / 1d4P+4 / agile, dwarf, parry, uncommon, versatile B); Unarmed (+7 / 1d6B+4 / agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed); Falling Stone (+7 / 1d8B+4 / forceful, nonlethal, unarmed)