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Thread: Cosmic Hunters (OOC)

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    Ogre in the Playground
    remetagross's Avatar

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    Default Re: Cosmic Hunters (OOC)

    No probs! I was, at first sight, wondering if I had overlooked a powerful part of Bulwark of Defense that made ennemies prone

    Ah, Metastachydium, at some point Ux Utanar will learn to let Delja do the talking. By which I mean, mostly stabbing.

    Another series of saves against paralysis:
    (1d20+30)[49] and (1d20+30)[31] for Ux Utanar. Ah, a natural 1 to roleplay :)
    (1d20+15)[24] for Ereshki

    Damn, I've just discovered Ux is fairly powerless against damage reduction. I'll have to think about that. Does any of you gals have some Knowledge: dungeoneering ranks to try and guess what kind of DR that is?
    Last edited by remetagross; 2022-09-23 at 03:38 AM.
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